
VCN closed on Friday, April 3rd and Monday, April 6th

VCN will be closed on Friday, April 3rd and Monday, April 6th. VCN will open on Tuesday, April 7th.


DSPAM login resolved

The DSPAM spam filter login issue was fixed on Thursday, March 19th. The issue was related to the dial-up authentication issue because they use the same authentication service.


Dial-up authentication resolved

On Wednesday, March 18th at 1am the dial-up authentication server had a hardware failure. The backup authentication server was unable to properly authenticate people because of a software error. The backup authentication server was fixed on Wednesday, March 18th around midnight. If you have any questions or additional issues please call 778-724-0826 extension 0 for assistance. Please note that we have a higher than normal call volume. We are sorry for the inconvenience.


Scheduled power outage on Thursday March 19th at 10pm

VPL has informed VCN that on Thursday, March 19th at 11:59pm there will be a scheduled power outage at VPL. VCN’s servers are hosted at VPL so all our services will be affected. VCN will be powering down servers between 10pm and 11:59pm. On Friday, March 20th starting at 10am the servers will be powered on. Please call 778-724-0826 extension 0 or email [email protected] if you have any issues or questions.


Dial Up Internet Connection Problem Fixed

On Wednesday, February 25, 2015, we experienced issues with our dial up service. Internet connectivity with dial up was not working. Users were able to connect to local services such as their VCN email but external websites would not have worked. This issue was fixed at 11:50am. We are currently monitoring the situation.


2014 tax receipts

The 2014 tax receipt have been emailed out. If you did not receive your 2014 tax receipt, would like to request a physical tax receipt mailed to you, or opt-out of a digital tax receipt please call 778-724-0826 extension 0 or email [email protected].


Dial Up Internet Connection Problem Fixed

On Wednesday, January 28, 2015, at 8:30am, we experienced issues with our dial up service. Internet connectivity with dial up was not working. Users were able to connect to local services such as their VCN email but external websites would not have worked. This issue was fixed at 10:45am but recurred at 11:30am. The issue was fixed at 1:00pm. We are currently monitoring the situation.


VCN outgoing mail service registration form

Dear VCN users,

If you ever had problems with sending emails with another internet provider (e.g. Shaw, Telus, etc).  VCN is now offering outgoing email service. This allows you to send emails with any internet provider.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested in receiving the outgoing mail service.

How does it work?

1. Fill out the registration form below.

2. VCN will reply you with a confirmation that your name has been added on our list.

3. Follow the VCN outgoing mail service set up guide.



Servers updated to fix Bash bug

VCN’s server has been updated to fix the Bash bug that has been in the news.



Email server update

On Thursday, September 25th at 3:00pm the email server was updated. Due to a misconfigured setting, email were stored in the wrong location. The problem was resolved on Thursday, September 25th at 5pm. No messages were lost in the process. If may take a few minutes for messages sent during the issue to arrive in your inbox.