General Procedure VCN Tools

How to Log Voicemail Messages


Procedure for logging voicemail messages

  1. Open an internet browser and go to
  2. Click on ‘Voicemail & Recordings (ARI)’
  3. Enter the login ID and password of the voicemail mailbox
  4. Play each message and write down the details as you listen to them.
  5. Delete the message after you’ve listened and written them down.
Important Reminder:
  • Ask the on duty System Administrator or another volunteer for the login ID and password if you don’t know it yet.
  • Please do make sure to actually delete a message once you dealt with the call or written it down. It helps streamline the work for other volunteers.

FAQ General

How do I update my address information?


How do I update my address information?


Ask the client to call VCN’s Helpdesk to update their address information.

We usually ask people between the months of February and March, to update their addresses if they have moved recently. We’ll need their correct address for mailing their tax receipt.

General Troubleshooting

Why can’t I access VCN’s website using my browser?


Why can’t I access VCN’s website using my browser?

  • No or slow internet connection
  • Connected to internet via Wind Mobile
  1. Ask user to check their internet connection. Make sure that they are able to access other internet sites (i.e Google, Yahoo, etc..)
  2. If user is connected to the internet, verify that you are able to access VCN’s website.
    If there are no issues with the website, check with the customer how they are connected to the internet (VCN Dialup or ISP). If users are connected using VCN dial up, check the servers to make sure that there are no issues otherwise ask users to contact their ISP to report the issue.
    Users connected to the internet via Wind Mobile have reported that they are unable to access VCN’s webstite. This is a known issue that has been reported to Wind Mobile by some users.

FAQ General

Where can I refer users if I am unable to assist them?


    Where can I refer users if I am unable to assist them?

    • See the software/manufacturer’s help manual
    • See the software/manufacturer’s online support
    • free online sources of information
    • online discussion groups
    • buy-sell groups
    • the person who sold/gave them their computer
    • yellow pages
    • computer books at library
    • computer courses at educational institutions
    • Free Geek
      A non-profit community organization that provide low-cost and no-cost computer technology and training . For more information please go to
  • FAQ General

    Scope of Helpesk Service: What services and issues is VCN not able to help with?


    What services and issues is the VCN Helpdesk not able to help with?


    VCN does not help with…

    • fix computers
    • install hardware, modems, printers, etc for users
    • troubleshoot hardware/software
    • teach how to use windows, word, excel and other software not related to VCN services.
    • debug/fix/write webpages
    • debug/fix/write cgi/php programs
    • setup advanced features in internet programs.

    Note: VCN volunteers have the right not to provide assistance to issues outside the scope of VCN services.

    Give user’s broad referral’s of help:

    • See the software/manufacturer’s help manual
    • See the software/manufacturer’s online support
    • free online sources of information
    • online discussion groups
    • buy-sell groups
    • the person who sold/gave them their computer
    • yellow pages
    • computer books at library
    • computer courses at educational institutions
    • Free Geek

    FAQ General

    Scope of Helpesk Service: What services and issues can VCN help with?


    What services and issues is the VCN helpdesk able to to help with?


    VCN can help with…

    • Register Users
    • setup dialup connection to VCN
    • setup email program to send and receive VCN email
    • help users access VCN services like:
      • help them send/receive email using webmail
      • connect using telnet/putty
      • access the mailing lists
      • get onto VCN IRC server
      • VCN Help Desk Volunteer should ask the walk-in User sign “User Release and Waiver of Liability” before helping the User to set up dial up on their computer/laptop (a form is available in Document Library)

    VCN Help Desk Volunteer should ask the walk-in User sign “User Release and Waiver of Liability” before helping the User to set up dial up on their computer/laptop (a form is available in Document Library)

    Note: VCN volunteers have the right not to provide assistance to issues outside the scope of VCN services.

    Sources of help:

    • Search the volunteer manual
    • Search VCN Help Pages
    • Search the problem on, eg “error 691? or “Relaying denied”. You can try other search engines, computer-related forums, since millions of people use internet programs, so someone online is bound to have run into the same problem.
    • Ask and work it through with your co-workers
    • Send an e-mail: [email protected] or create a request in Request Tracker with as much relevant info as possible.

    General Procedure

    Information to collect during a call or to troubleshoot issues

    Information you need from a customer to troubleshoot their issue


    VCN Dialup problems

    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • VCN login ID
    • RT Ticket # (if they’ve called before)
    • Full error message from computer
    • Operating system (i.e. Window XP, Mac OS X, etc.)
    • Phone line they tried to connect to
    • Time did they tried to connect


    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • VCN login ID
    • RT Ticket # (if they’ve called before)
    • Full error message from computer
    • Email program and version number
    • Operating system (Window XP , MAC OS X, etc.)
    • Check how they care connected (if they are using VCN dial up or, using ADSL or Cable or another ISP)
    • Description of problem and what they were trying to do when it occurred.


    • Name
    • Phone Number
    • Email or VCN login ID
    • Name, RT Ticket # (if they’ve called before)
    • Any error messages they get
    • Description of problem and what they were trying to do when it occurred.
    • Operating system (Window XP , MAC OS X, etc.)
    • Check how they care connected (if they are using VCN dial up or, using ADSL or Cable or another ISP)
    • Application program and version


    • Name of the caller
    • Phone Number
    • Email and/or VCN login ID (if the caller is a registered VCN user)
    • Name of the person inquired about
    • What is the message about
    If you cannot answer the inquiry about the person, log it in RT or write the message and give it to the staff person.


    • Name of the caller
    • Phone Number
    • Email and/or VCN login ID (if the caller is a registered VCN user)
    • RT Ticket # (if they’ve called before)
    • What the call was about and any other information you can get.