
VCN closed on Mon, Dec 26th, Tues, Dec 27th, and Mon, Jan 2nd

VCN will be closed on Monday, December 26th and Tuesday, December 27th. We will be open from Wednesday, December 28th to Friday, December 30th 10am to 4pm for support by phone and email.

VCN will be closed on Monday, January 2nd and open on Tuesday, January 3rd at 10am.


Email server issue fixed – Nov 28th

On Monday, November 28, 2022 the email server ran out of storage and people were unable to log into Squirrelmail/webmail. The issue was resolved on Monday, November 28th at 10:30am.

VCN is in the process of creating replacement server with additional storage for a long-term solution.


VCN closed Fri Nov 11th

VCN will be closed on Friday, November 11, 2022. VCN will open on Monday, November 14, 2022 at 10am for support by email and phone.


VCN is closed on Mon Oct 10

VCN is closed on Monday, October 10th, 2022 and will open on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 10am for support by phone and email.

Please leave a voicemail at 778-724-0826 or email [email protected] for assistance and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


VCN closed on Mon, Sept 19th

VCN will be closed on Monday, Sept 19th, 2022. VCN will open on Tuesday, Sept 20th at 10am for support by phone and email.

Feel free to email [email protected] or call 778-724-0826 to leave a message.


VCN email login issue fixed on July 31st

Starting on Sunday, July 31st at 6:30am, there was an issue logging into VCN’s emails server. The issue was fixed on Sunday, July 31st at 11:30am. There were no issues with receiving emails.


VCN closed on Aug 1st

VCN will be closed on Monday, August 1, 2022. VCN will open on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 10am for support by email and phone.


VCN closed Friday July 1st

VCN will be closed on Friday, July 1, 2022.


VCN Online AGM May 19, 2022 at 5:30pm

Hello VCN members and guests!

This is your notice for VCN’s Annual General Meeting.  Please join us!

When: at 5:30 pm (start joining at 5:00pm) on Thursday, May 19, 2022
Where: Online or by phone using Zoom

VCN members will receive a Zoom registration link in another email. If you do not receive your meeting registration link by Friday, May 6th, please email us at [email protected] or call 778-724-0826.

If you have not already renewed your membership, please renew it by mailing a cheque or donating online. Please let us know if you plan to mail a cheque or if you will be donating late so we can send the meeting invitation to you.
The membership cost is $15.00 per year.
As always, if you pay $25 or more, we are able to issue a Charitable Tax receipt.

Donation information can be found at

An informal discussion after the business of the AGM is open for member’s information, feedback and direction.

While the board and staff will make it a priority to answer every question, we will only have time to fully discuss the top few questions sent or submitted at registration.

If you would like to setup and test out Zoom before the AGM please email [email protected] or call 778-724-0826 to setup an appointment time with the VCN Help Desk.


Registration:  Online. Registration will be open now to until the start of the meeting. You will receive the Zoom meeting link after you register and have been approved.


1. Call to order 5:30 pm
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of the previous AGM 2021
4. President’s Report
5. Staff Report on current programs
6. Presentation of the Financial Statements
7. Appointment of Accounting Firm to Perform the Annual Review Engagement
8. Volunteer Recognition
9. Nominations and Election of Directors
10. Other Business
11. Adjourn

Question and Answer Period – ending not later than 8:45 pm.

Craig McLachlan — Chair of the Board


Scheduled power outage Mar 12-13

Starting on Saturday March 12, 2022 at night to Sunday, March 13, 2022 in the morning, the building where some of VCN servers are located will be without power. This is a scheduled annual power maintenance.

VCN client emails will be offline.
Some web sites will be offline.

Everything else will remain online.
Dial-up will be online.
Newer web sites that were setup recently or were migrated to a new server will remain online.
VCN office emails and phones will be online.
Emails to VCN clients will be queued up on our backup server and will be delivered once power is restored.