
The Culture of Education: Does it meet changing and diverse student needs?

The Culture of Education: Does it meet changing and diverse student needs?

User: Sherlock Holmes in The Hound o
Date: 10/24/2013 1:29 pm
Views: 331
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Date of event November 4th, 2013
Location of event Vancouver School Board

The most recent census data has shown that 20 percent of all Canadians were born outside of Canada. In urban areas such as Metro Vancouver, that number jumps to over 50 percent. Add to that linguistic, cultural and religious diversity of both Canadian born and immigrant students and the face of the average Canadian student is difficult to describe. So what is happening in Education? Are teachers, school boards and the curriculum keeping up with the rapid growth and change in the Canadian population? What are the benefits and challenges of a diverse student body? Some critics of the current education system call for multicultural, multi-centric curriculum and critical thinking. Others call for segregated schools to address racial achievement gaps and the failure of mainstream education to support marginalised learners. Still others are concerned accommodating diversity will result in lower standards.

Three invaluable champions of inclusion and importance of embracing diversity in education – a children's author, an education consultant, and an anti-racism and diversity consultant and mentor – will share their knowledge, experience and perspectives on the changing role of educators within the school system.

Date: November 4th, 2013
Time: 6 – 8 pm
6:00-6:30: Registration / mix and mingle
6:30-7:30: Panel Presentations
7:30-8:00: Questions and conclusion
Location: Vancouver School Board (G Level – Room 120)
Cost: Members Free: Non-members: $8.00 Students: $5.00
RSVP by: Nov 2nd. Please indicate your attendance via email at [email protected]

This event will include:

Safe, valued, included and represented: How students feel in a culturally-responsive classroom? – 20 minutes (Angela Brown)
Angela will share some culturally-responsive teaching practices, programs and initiatives that support anti-racism and diversity education. She will discuss the importance of co-developing class community agreements before engaging students in courageous conversations. The role of the teacher as a facilitator and the most influential resource in the classroom will be emphasized as empathy-building and experiential learning activities are shared. Join Angela,
Anti-racism and Diversity Mentor of the Vancouver Board of Education as she supports schools in fostering students’ social/emotional health and development, safety, and well-being by supporting equity and inclusion within Vancouver’s diverse school communities.

The importance of lobbying in education: Educating government officials and corporate officers of the merits of embracing diversity in education – 20 minutes (Trevor Ludski)
Awarded by the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal for his significant achievement and remarkable service to Canada in 2012, Trevor will focus his remarks on the necessity to lobby Ministry officials, school board officials and senior personnel to recognize the benefits of embracing diversity for the sake of our children's future. Trevor will provide examples of programs and services in some Ontario jurisdictions that have applicability in British Columbia and he will provide a few anecdotes of recent personal and professional experiences related to Aboriginal education, diversity and antiracist education.

Inspiring our children to become responsible, global citizens – 20 minutes (Navjot Kaur)
Navjot will contribute with her presentation on how to inspire our children to become advocates for social change and responsible citizens. Navjot Kaur, Children’s Author is fascinated and inspired by diverse environments and culture. Her first children's book , ‘A Lion's Mane’ won the 2010 Skipping Stones Honor Award for Multicultural and International Awareness. Join Navjot, as she shares treasured moments, which will one day form another untitled story, waiting to be brought to life.

For more information contact:
The Sietar B.C. Exec Board
[email protected]
