
Overwhelmed by your To Do list? 3 Tips for Breaking Free

Overwhelmed by your To Do list? 3 Tips for Breaking Free

User: events 
Date: 5/21/2013 11:56 pm
Views: 259
Rating: 0 
Date of event Fri. May 24 at 8:30 am Pacific
Location of event Free Online webinar

Free webinar with Carla Rieger

To register:


Rushing around being overwhelmed and impatient is now  epidemic.  
It doesn't have to be that way.

The costs to you, your work, and society are huge such as:

  •     Foggy thinking leading to less productivity
  •     Health issues
  •     Relationship breakdowns
  •     Financial problems
  •     Lowered happiness and quality of life

Benefits to attending this webinar:

  •     Lower your stress
  •     Get more done in less time with less suffering
  •     Improve your problem solving abilities
  •     Enhance working relationships with key people in your life

This material is at the core of stress management, time management and better productivity — yet most educators of these topics don't include it. Yet mindset is 80% of your success over the long term. Techniques will get you through for the short term, but for lasting results you need good practices of mind.


Can't make it?  Register anyway to get the replay for up to 4 days afterwards.

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