Donations Procedure

Managing Donations from Groups


Procedure for handling donations from organizations

Please note that VCN will send official tax receipts to users who donate $25 or more each year.

  1. Open the money2db database program on the donations computer.
  2. Click Payments.
  3. Click Organizations.
    If someone is writing a personal cheque for an organization, the receipt must be made out to the person who wrote the cheque not the organization.
  4. Scroll down and search for the organization.
  5. If the organization doesn’t exist in the donations database:
    1. Click Add New Organization.
    2. Enter the Organization’s contact information, then click Save.

    If they do:

    1. Highlight the group.
    2. Click Choose Highlighted Organization.

  7. Always click on Donations and always select ForDonation”.
  8. Enter the cash or cheque amount. If it is a cash donation, check off “Cash” box.
  9. Enter the group’s login id if they have one.
    • Do a User Search in Putty to find the correct login id.
    • For Family Donation, enter up to 4 VCN logins for each family members VCN account
  10. Print a copy of the receipt. If the user is in the office, also print a receipt for them.
    1. Click on View or Print Receipts.
    2. Click on the arrow buttons at the bottom to move to the last donation record. (ie Record 9 of 9 (Filtered)).
    3. Check the Date Paid field is today, then click Print Receipt.
    4. Save the document as a .pdf file using the CutePDF program.
      You must save the file inside the folder named Receipt and according to date.
      For example:
      If today’s date was January 10 2013, create a new folder named January 10 2013. Save the file according to the person’s username separated by an underscore and then type the word “Receipt“. An example would be vorvis_Receipt.
    5. Print the .pdf file you created.
  11. Hand the user the receipt.
  12. For VCN’s copy, write with a pen “Signed and Recorded by your name”under the 2nd line.
  13. Before you close the screen: If the donation is a check, stamp it on the back where it is labelled “Endorsement – Signature or Stamp” with the “FOR DEPOSIT ONLY…” stamp. Now write down the “Receipt #” on the back of the cheque too.
  14. Fold the paper into a three-fold.
  15. Paper-clip the cash or cheque to the paper. If the donation involves coins, place the receipt and donation inside an envelope.
  16. Slide it into the designated top drawer.