- Click on the Mail option located at the top menu bar, click on Preference, then click on the Accounts tab besides the General tab
- In the Accounts page, click on your VCN account name if you have more than one account listed at the left column
- Under Account Information, click on the drop down bar next to Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP). Select the Edit SMTP Server List option
- In the setting page, under Server Name, click on the existing server name
- Under Account Information, modify the following settings:
- Description: Optional (e.g. VCN outgoing mail server)
- Server Name: out.vcn.bc.ca
- Select the Advanced option, modify the following settings:
- Use custom port: 587
- Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): Yes (enter a check mark)
- Authentication: Password
- User Name: You VCN email address without @vcn.bc.ca
- Password: Your VCN password
- Click OK
- Back on the Account Information tab, click on the Advanced tab, modify the following:
- Port: 995, Use SSL: Yes (enter a check mark)
- Authentication: Password
- Back on the Account Information tab again, make sure the outgoing server we just modified is selected on the drop down bar. e.g. Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): VCN Outgoing Mail Server. Also make sure the Use only this Server box is checked
- Close the window.