Free Drop-In Meditation
Date: 1/11/2013 5:38 pm
Rating: 0
Location of event St. Andrew's United Church @ 1044 St. George's Avenue, North Vancouver
The practice of meditation is found within many traditions throughout the world. Mindfulness-awareness meditation (Shamatha-Vipashyana) helps settle the mind and bring forth its natural qualities of spaciousness, clarity, and attentiveness. St. Andrew’s United Church and the North Shore Meditation Group are co-sponsors of this free, weekly drop-in meditation group practice. Monday night sessions start at 7 pm with guided instruction and practice for about 20 – 25 minutes, followed by walking meditation, then more sitting practice. At 8 pm there is a question and answer period around any practice questions and a dharma talk or conversation. There is no requirement to attend the whole session: you can stay for as little or as long as you like. Leadership is provided by Shambhala Buddhist Meditation instructors. Everyone is welcome.