First Call 20th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner with Cindy Blackstock
Date: 1/8/2013 2:27 pm
Rating: 0
Location of event Fraserview Hall
An evening with First Nation’s activist and author Cindy Blackstock: “Equity, Human Rights and how we are failing Aboriginal children, or how to get the government to spy on you”
Thursday January 31st: 5:30pm – 9pm (Doors open, dinner served and silent auction begins at 5:30pm, program begins at 6:30pm)
Fraserview Hall (8240 Fraser St, near Marine Drive, in Vancouver)
Individual tickets are $50, reserved tables of 8 are $400
Tickets include a delicious buffet Indian dinner and a silent auction full of amazing gifts, services, tickets to arts events, getaways and more. There will also be a raffle for two WestJet tickets for anywhere Westjet flies!
Purchase individual tickets online at
To purchase reserved tables of 8 or to find out about the benefits of sponsoring the dinner please contact Sarena at 604-873-8437 or [email protected].
We are thrilled to announce that Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta, will join us as this year’s keynote speaker.
We will be honoring Cindy with First Call’s Champion of Child and Youth Rights Award. Cindy has been at the forefront of advocating for equal rights for Aboriginal children on the national stage for over a decade. A member of the Gitksan Nation, she has a powerful story to tell of her experiences bringing a federal human rights complaint to challenge the documented inequity of child welfare funding on First Nations reserves, and her many other efforts to mobilize support for a brighter future for all Aboriginal children in Canada.
Our annual dinners are an occasion to celebrate our child rights advocacy work with our partner organizations and allies, as well as to raise much needed funds to support our work. We hope you can join us on January 31st for good food, good company, and a powerful speaker with an important message.
For more information about Cindy’s work and ongoing Human Rights case please visit:
· The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada’s website
· The FNCFCSC I am a Witness Campaign (including a short video about the Human Rights case)
· The Star: “Tribunal will rule whether Ottawa retaliated against native rights’ advocate Cindy Blackstock”
· CBC’s The Current: Government surveillance of native youth advocate
· CBC Trailbreakers: Crusader of Aboriginal child services Cindy Blackstock won't back down
· CBC Doc Zone 8th Fire: Q & A with Cindy Blackstock