Dialogue with local MP Joyce Murray over Wine & Cheese
User: events
Date: 4/30/2013 6:33 pm
Date: 4/30/2013 6:33 pm
Views: 330
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Date of event May 30, 2013
Location of event Westside Grand, 1928 West Broadway, Vancouver
Location of event Westside Grand, 1928 West Broadway, Vancouver
Kitsilano Chamber of Commerce invites you to Dialogue with local MP Joyce Murray over Wine & Cheese. Thursday, May 30th, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Westside Grand, 1928 West Broadway, Vancouver.
Network while celebrating our successes this past year. Enjoy a free glass of wine & appies following a short keynote from Joyce Murray, Small Business Critic (Lib.) Vancouver Quadra & 15-minute business meeting (AGM). Registration deadline May 23rd at http://www.kitsilanochamber.com. Members $20 Future members $30 (incl GST).