Bettina Matzkun: Library Resources and Creative Inspiration
Date: 1/31/2013 5:36 pm
Rating: 0
Location of event Central Library, 350 W. Georgia St., Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level
Celebrated textile artist Bettina Matzkun's work spans topics such as WW2, navigating, map history and sail construction. She will speak about making effective use of the library -books, databases, maps and staff- as a source for research, inspiration and information to form and organize content for craft creation. Not just for craft artists, anyone interested in creative arts wanting to tell a story can benefit and learn about this often overlooked source of creative inspiration.
Bettina Matzkuhn has worked in textiles for over 30 years with an emphasis on embroidery and fabric collage. She holds a BFA in Visual Arts and an MA in Liberal Studies from Simon Fraser University. In the 1980s she animated and directed three award-winning films using textiles for the National Film Board of Canada. An interest in narrative continues to inform her work. She exhibits her work nationally and internationally and gives talks and workshops in conjunction with her exhibits. Matzkuhn also writes professionally on the arts and teaches as a sessional instructor at the Emily Carr University of Art and Design.
Free admission. Seating is limited.
Co-sponsored by the Craft Council of British Columbia.
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