Vancouver CommunityNet Board Meeting October 14, 1997 Present: Penny Goldsmith, Larry Kuehn, Jack Vickery, Ryan Hung, Katharine Shipley, Greg Sturk, Carolyn Saunders, Neil K. Guy. 1. Adoption of agenda. M/S/C That the agenda be adopted. 2. Adoption of minutes. M/S/C That the minutes of September 16, 1997, be adopted. 3. Office report. Several grant applications have gone in. The multi-culturalism project will get under way within the next few weeks. Phone line sponsorship is now set up. M/S/C That the CommunityNet pay Peter Royce for the week that he was away sick. 4. Committee reports. a) The fundraising committee is pursuing several projects and grants. b) M/S/C That up to $2000 be approved for purchase of a hard drive if the current drive fails. 5. Compaint from a VCN user about hate mail. A VCN member has complained that a person is posting to newsgroups, using a VCN email account, messages containing racist information and giving links to the Heritage Front web site. M/S/C That the VCN does not approve or condone the posting of hate literature or links to web sites with hate literature and will not tolerate the use of the system for those purposes; and that the VCN seek legal advice on how to accomplish this end. Carried unanimously. 6. APEC People's Summit. M/S/C That the VCN approve participation with the Virtual Summit project of the People's Summit on APEC '97, based on the proposal and budget developed by Steven Chan. 7. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on November 12 at 411 Dunsmuir. a) The nominating committee asked for suggestions of names of people to approach about being on the board of VCN. b) The speaker for the AGM will be Ellen Balka. c) M/S/C That a special resolution be recommended to the AGM to reduce the size of the board to no more than eleven and eliminate the provisions that require chairs of committees to be members of the board. 8. System administration. It was agreed that we should explore hiring a consultant to upgrade the news server out of the funding for a project. 9. Next meeting. The next board meeting will be on November 12 at 6 p.m. at 411 Dunsmuir. ******** Larry Kuehn, Director Research and Technology B.C. Teachers' Federation Fax: (604) 871-2294