Vancouver Community Network Association Minutes of Board Meeting March 19, 1996 Present: Margaret Coates (Chair), Larry Kuehn (Secretary), Ross Penner, Lorne Gray, George Lindholm, Godwin Chan, Stephanie Fletcher, Andrey Federoff, Vic Vaivads, Neil K. Guy, Greg Sturk. Absent: Penny Goldsmith, Jennifer Higgins-Ingham, Nicholas Fong. 1. The meeting was called to order at 7:05. 2. M/S/C. That the agenda be adopted. 3. Board membership. It was reported that Kathy Fournier had resigned as member-at-large. M/S/C. That Neil K. Guy be appointed as vice-president. M/S/C. That Vic Vaivads be appointed as Chair of Systems Design. M/S/C. That Greg Sturk be appointed as a member-at-large. 4. M/S/C. That the minutes of the February 27, 1996 meeting be approved. 5. Business arising from the minutes. Peter Royce is working on the IP kit and it should be ready by the end of March. The site move to the VPL has been approved and meetings to plan are scheduled. The objective is to have the move completed by April 24. The committee dealing with the site relocation will be meeting on March 20, and will report to the board. The letter nominating Neil K. Guy, Brian Campbell, and Margaret Coates for the Electronic Highway Accord committee has been submitted to the Chief Information Officer's office. Stephanie reported on the meeting of the B.C. Coalition for Information Access. The main item dealt with hearings before the CRTC on phone access by low income people. 6. New business. Assignment of lines at the new site. M/S/C That the line configuration be 3 for people maintaining non-personal information on the system, 3 for public access, 1 for administration and the remainder for general access. Online Education Society. Peter Royce has prepared the paperwork for creating the Online Education Society, which will be a non-profit society to run training on computer communications. Power Up Conference. VCN will have a table at the Power Up Conference in early June. BC Freenet Association made a proposal to the IATO for a $70,000 grant to assist in developing community networks. VCN will put in a proposal to carry out a portion of the project. A membership fee structure proposal was brought forward for discussion. A number of issues and questions about different options were discussed, and a report and recommendations will be brought to the April meeting after the Equal Access Committee has considered the issues, compatability with library policies is checked and more research is carried out. 7. Next meeting. The next meeting will be on April 16 at 7 p.m. at 411 Dunsmuir.