VANCOUVER REGIONAL FREENET ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES OF MEETINGS April 18, 1995. 411 Dunsmuir Meeting Room Present: Brian Campbell, Margaret Coates, George Lindholm, Eric Teachman, Eric Yung, Phil Lyons, Penny Goldsmith, Neil Guy, Claire Toynbee Absent: Larry Kuehn, Stephen Gauer, Vic Vaivads, Tom Hansen, Sharon Zaluski Guests: Howard Hunchak, Ross Penner 1.0 Agenda Motion: (Margaret/George) That the agenda distributed be approved. PASSED. 2.0 Minutes of March 28th. Motion: (Phil/Margaret) To accept the minutes of March 28h. PASSED 2.1 Phil's Resignation: * introduction and brief biography of Ross Penner Motion: (Margaret/George) To accept Phil Lyon's resignation from the Board of Directors of VRFA. PASSED. Motion: (Margaret/Eric T.) To accept Ross Penner as the new Chair of Community Content. PASSED. 3.0 Policy Issues: 3.1 World Wide Web: * a brief discussion, based on the distributed paper from last Board meeting. * WWW was promoted by Neil as the most viable, long-term alternative and that we should look to moving over to this format. Motion: (Neil/George) That we investigate ways of moving our information over to a Web-based system. PASSED. 3.2 Staff positions: * This item will take place "in-camera" at the end of the Board meeting 4.0 Treasurer's Report: * We have $205,000 in bonds, and $10,000 in cash on hand. Also, we took in $1000 in cash this week. 5.0 Committee Reports: 5.1 System Design: Vic absent, no report 5.2 Fundraising: Ted absent, no report * it was noted, that this being Ted's 3rd consecutive absence without explanation, that concerns were raised over the Fundraising Chair's position. Motion: (Eric Y./Margaret) That Brian be authorized to ask Ted for his resignation as Chair of the Fundraising Committee. PASSED. 5.3 Public Relations: * the poster box and sign will be worked on this week * May 4th - Harry's Cafe is the focus of our involvement in Mayworks. Penny is doing some workshops, and Larry is helping coordinate. * Penny is also doing an article for Kinesis about the FreeNet. * Eric to do some monitoring of newsgroups. 5.4 Community Content: report distributed * Neil - concerns about brochures for conference at Ottawa * meeting for IP liaisons next Tuesday, at 411 Dunsmuir, 7pm 5.5 Hardware/Software: * The HDs were purchased * SATAN - a security program, was installed and run through our system. In addition, some new software was installed to the FreeNet. 6.0 Public Access Liaison's Report: document on Public Access sites distributed * Concerns about the location and publicity of Public Access sites. Motion: (Margaret/Ross) To accept the working paper on Public Access sites. PASSED. * next meeting of the PA Committee is next Tuesday (April 25th). 7.0 Vice-President's report: cover in the "in-camera" session at the end. 8.0 Membership Coordinator's report: * we have 1,745 members, for a total of 5,269 users. * the numbers of users that have applied, but are inactive are a priority. * our renewal response has been about 10 or so out of 230 mailouts. * discussion about the disappointing renewal response. * suggest that Eric T. prepare a plan of action for next Board meeting * options for online advertisements to go to the Operations Committee on Monday. * suggested a possible user satisfaction survey may be included in future mailouts. 9.0 Volunteer Coordinator's Report: Sharon absent * there will be a Volunteer orientation on May 27th. 10.0 Labour Liaison's Report: Larry absent, no report 11.0 User Training Coordinator's Report: Stephen absent, no report 12.0 User Support Coordinator's Report: * next meeting is Monday the 24th at 6:30pm * Valerie Westfall is updating the Help Desk material * Help Desk menu - possible addition of a download function to get offline reader and help files? * posting meetings to a broader audience was discussed. * online support is being assigned to Gerry Laminsky * Microcomputer support - approaching VCC instructors for help. In-camera session then held to discuss staff positions and VP's report. * personnel - we've hirde 1 UNIX system admin, Alex Bardos. He's to start part-time next Monday, and fulltime the week after that. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.