Vancouver CommunityNet Board Meeting Minutes November 3, 1998 6:00pm. Present: Penny Goldsmith, Sujay Nazareth, Greg Sturk, Lyle Gardiner, Darlene McBain, Richard Songhurst. 1. Agenda. M/S/C That the agenda be adopted. 2. Minutes. M/S/C That the minutes of the meeting of October 20, 1998, be approved with the correction to the spelling of Darlene's name. 3. Financial Statements for AGM. Darlene presented the report in the Treasurer's absense. An error in the Balance Sheet Bar Chart: "Total Liabilities" should be $61,661. The report shows an increase in revenues as a result of project grants and our communication costs have decreased. M/S/C To approve the Financial Statements for presentation at the Annual General Meeting. 4. Board slate for AGM. The candidate's bios were presented. The fifteenth position will not be filled at this time. M/S/C To approve the Board slate as presented. Motion to adjourn at 6:30pm.